Events & Activities

Events & Activities

ESRA’s community provides people of different age groups with different social and cultural activities targeted to their interests and needs, while also coming together through national activities that suit everyone.
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The Jewish Soul of Musicals with Laurence Jacobs

חמישי, 16 מרס 2023 at 19:00

Private home, Nahariya

ESRA members NIS 20 | Non-members NIS 30

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ESRA North Coast/Nahariya Branch

In this presentation Laurence will be taking a look back at the origins of Musical Theatre and examine shows based on Jewish content. He will also talk about Jewish composers and lyricists who have predominated in this field.

Laurence was born in Cardiff, South Wales and is 68 years old. He and his wife Bebe made Aliyah in 2015 and lived on a kibbutz and have now settled in Zichron Yaakov. He founded the Haifa branch of Toastmasters and is Co-Chairman of ESRA 5 Towns branch of ESRA. He also represents ESRA on the Misholim project at Kibbutz Magal, which provides animal therapy to children from difficult homes and those that have developmental issues.

Registration: Click on the register link above or contact the Booking Office at 09-9508371 (ext 2).
Address provided when registration and payment received.
Proceeds support ESRA Education and Welfare Community projects to strengthen Israeli society.  Read more

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