Every time you pay with your credit card, you can have the sum rounded up to the nearest NIS, and the few agorot difference, the small change, can be automatically donated to ESRA through our new cooperation with Igul Letova.
A few agorot is not very much, but when many of us do it, on every credit card transaction… it adds up to children at risk having a chance for a better future!

Register by clicking on the link below, which is secure and all information entered is strictly protected and confidential.
You will be asked to:
Indicate your credit card company, and you can register for more than one credit card.
Enter personal details: name, mobile #, email address, and only the last 4 digits of your credit card.
And you're done!
* NIS 4/month is the estimated donation based on average credit card use
* Your monthly donations will appear in your credit card reports
* One-time registration is all that's needed, and can be cancelled quickly and easily at any time