A vivid memoir of the heroine’s quest for an understanding of the void left in her life by the infant death of a younger brother. Judy, an award-winning author, will be sharing the challenges of one’s past through writing a hybrid memoir in 2023. Judy Lev published her first book at the age of 78. She is a former psychiatric social worker and has written feature articles for the Jerusalem Post for many years.
Events & Activities
ESRA’s community provides people of different age groups with different social and cultural activities targeted to their interests and needs, while also coming together through national activities that suit everyone.
We invite you to become a member, enjoy our activities, access personal support and feel the satisfaction of volunteering, wherever, whenever it suits you, knowing you are aiding Israeli society.
We invite you to become a member, enjoy our activities, access personal support and feel the satisfaction of volunteering, wherever, whenever it suits you, knowing you are aiding Israeli society.