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Education and welfare projects

Education & Welfare Projects

ESRA, founded in 1979 as a non-profit, is Israel's largest English-speaking community, aiding the integration of olim while working toward equality in Israeli society. ESRA aims to help diminish educational and social gaps, especially in the socio-geographic periphery, focusing on education and excellence programs and enhancing personal and social skills in a safe and supportive environment. We also integrate English-speaking immigrants into these projects, helping them feel useful and contributing members of society, thereby serving our two significant aims.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017 09:12

Message from the General Manager

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February 2017

I would like to say THANK YOU for choosing me to become a part of the ESRA family, and what a remarkable and devoted family it is. For over 38 years ESRA, driven out of the pure goodness and spirit of giving, has embraced and fulfilled the social needs of immigrants as well as supported the less privileged in Israel.

ESRA's ongoing ability to champion its goals is made possible by the wonderful volunteers assisted by partnerships developed with municipalities, foundations and private donors, and by professional management structure in the administrative and financial fields.

It is an honor for me to be part of this esteemed organization and I pledge to justify your trust by working to ensure that all our important goals are met and that together we reach new heights.

Briefly about myself: I immigrated to Israel from the United States when I was a child. I live in Givatayim with my three marvelous boys (20, 16, 9). I hold a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management, and have accumulated vast experience in the management of companies and NGO engaged in incoming tourism, cultural and educational activities in Israel. I believe in transparency, setting clear and attainable objectives and teamwork. I strive for excellence and realize that success has no shortcuts.

I share the values and purposes of ESRA and strongly believe that it is our individual and collective responsibility as a society to take care of one another; especially the weaker and less fortunate.

I'm learning about ESRA's many activities and projects, structure and culture, goals and objectives, challenges and opportunities. I am especially interested in you, dear individuals, who together are the beating heart of ESRA. I encourage you to address me directly with your thoughts and ideas as I come with a clean slate.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Yonit Gurfinkel, my predecessor, for the warm welcome, endless assistance and wish her great success.

I'm excited!

Sincerely yours,

Sunny Marshansky    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
General Manager, ESRA
Read 6048 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 December 2017 09:12
ESRA Secondhand Shops
ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand shops for the community are loaded with clothing and brands for women, men, and children, bric-a-brac, vintage, and much more….all at reasonable prices!

ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand bookshops have a huge variety of English fiction and non-fiction for all ages, including lots of good reads for kids, all at rock-bottom prices.