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Education and welfare projects

Education & Welfare Projects

ESRA, founded in 1979 as a non-profit, is Israel's largest English-speaking community, aiding the integration of olim while working toward equality in Israeli society. ESRA aims to help diminish educational and social gaps, especially in the socio-geographic periphery, focusing on education and excellence programs and enhancing personal and social skills in a safe and supportive environment. We also integrate English-speaking immigrants into these projects, helping them feel useful and contributing members of society, thereby serving our two significant aims.



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Friday, 08 June 2018 12:57

ESRA Punching Above its Weight!

ESRA Karmiel branch raises money for a variety of causes, with the common thread that local young people benefit. 

Many of these citizens of tomorrow start life with disadvantages of one kind or another so when the Karmiel Social Services Department offered a way to help we decided to choose one of their suggestions.

‘Bayit Cham’ in Karmiel provides a 'warm home' for adolescent girls who come from dysfunctional families. They have been brought up without a nurturing atmosphere, usually with no regular meals and oftern with abuse or violence at home. Consequently some of these youngsters adopt aggression as a safety valve for their pent-up emotions.

The Bayit Cham coordinator suggested that we use our donation to purchase Thai kick-boxing equipment. This request seemed a little odd but they explained that this activity helps to harmlessly channel the girls' aggression which could otherwise lead to fights or common assault, ending up in a magistrates’ court.

Bayit Cham3Under strict professional supervision, the girls can now, thanks to ESRA Karmiel's efforts, punch and kick their frustrations away without injuring anyone.

We received a polite ‘thank-you’ letter from the coordinator, later followed by an invitation to our committee to come for a light lunch at Bayit Cham, to receive a personal thanks and, of course, view the sports equipment for which we had raised the necessary funds.

Hearing at first hand about the work of this warm home for at-risk teenagers certainly helped to give our Branch Committee a sense of purpose to all the social and cultural events that we plan during the year.

All of us came away feeling just a little more proud that they had accomplished what ESRA does best — Make a Difference!

Original article written for the ESRA Magazine by Brian Fink, Chairman of ESRA Karmiel/Misgav Tel: 054 229 1276

ESRA Secondhand Shops
ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand shops for the community are loaded with clothing and brands for women, men, and children, bric-a-brac, vintage, and much more….all at reasonable prices!

ESRA second Hand & Vintage Shops for the Community

Our secondhand bookshops have a huge variety of English fiction and non-fiction for all ages, including lots of good reads for kids, all at rock-bottom prices.