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Monday, 07 January 2019 08:39

ESRA's recognition by the Ministry of Education

ESRA volunteers help students with their English studies at schools all over Israel. Our English Tutoring Project (ETP) is now recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Over 280 ESRA volunteers regularly commit themselves, during school hours, to helping students with their English studies in elementary, junior high and high schools all over Israel. Some volunteers also help students prepare for their matriculation exams. 

Bernice Myers, Head of ETP, Lola Katz, ETP Professional Consultant, and Sunny Marshansky, ESRA CEO attend regularly the Management and Pedagogic Forums. The volunteers are then updated on the school study programs and follow these guidelines in their tutoring. 

As from now ESRA is recognized and recommended by the Ministry of Education as "Educational Supporters"  "תומכי חינוך" in addition to the 20 that already exist. ESRA ETP approval by Ministry of Education

ESRA will also have a booth to introduce the volunteering work that ESRA does, in the yearly Ministry of Education Convention on 31 May which hosts all Executives, School Principals and Municipality Heads of Education.

Our English Tutoring Project is expanding and is an ideal opportunity to recruit more volunteers to join this nationwide project. For further details please contact Bernice at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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