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ESRA English Tutoring Program (ETP)

ESRA ETP, in partnership with the Israel Ministry of Education, promotes English academic achievements and offers English speakers the opportunity to become a contributing part of Israeli society.

In partnership with the Israel Ministry of Education, ESRA has been promoting the English academic achievements of Israeli schoolchildren for over 40 years. All our programs are led by English-speaking volunteers, enabling them to become contributing members of Israeli society.

In 2018 the Israel Ministry of Education established the Department of Education and Teacher Support. This, together with the supervision of the Ministry's English Inspectors, enabled us to enhance our programs and expand our volunteering platforms, connecting English-speaking volunteers worldwide with both Israeli students and teachers and enriching the lives of all involved.

Today we have over 1,000 volunteers active at all school levels, in all sectors, in Israel and abroad. Our volunteers are both new immigrants and veteran Israelis from English-speaking countries. We run workshops and training, providing all our volunteers with professional guidance.

Our English Tutoring Programs focus on enhancing educational achievement and enriching social skills. By strengthening the English oral proficiency of our students, we are helping to ensure greater personal, social and educational opportunities in our society.

Join us in one of our ETP programs:

"ESRA In-School"

At local schools, our volunteers help students with their English studies, either one-on-one or in small groups. This is done during the regular English classes, with the guidance of the English teacher and in accordance with the curriculum. Join us 

"ESRA Chat Away”

Chat Away sessions are conducted remotely over Zoom outside of school hours. Our volunteers hold 40-minute chat sessions with 8th-12th grade students, with a focus on improving English oral skills. Join us

"ESRA Tops”  (Tutoring Online Program for Students)

Our TOPS program is centered on assisting 5th-9th grade students with their English studies outside of school hours. Volunteers hold 40-minute Zoom sessions focused on the lessons set by the school curriculum.Join us

"ESRA Online COBE"

Volunteers speak online with high school students in a simulated format of the COBE (Computerised Oral     Bagrut Exam) preparing them to speak with confidence. Join us 

"ESRA Teachers Chat”

Teachers Chat is a series of 40-minute weekly sessions with English teachers who do not possess their mother tongue, English. In these dedicated sessions, our volunteers work on augmenting English oral proficiency using the established “BBC 6-minute English” website.Join us


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