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"Olim Be'Ivrit"

Helping  schoolchildren from Russia and Ukraine improve their Hebrew and strengthen their social skills in Akko  


Many Russian or Ukrainian Olim children struggle with Hebrew, even after two years. This holds them back both socially and academically. ESRA scholarship students help these schoolchildren during school hours, accelerating their learning of Hebrew and enabling them to integrate socially.


Helping improve Hebrew skills
Developing literacy and intellectual curiosity



12 schoolchildren Olim from Russia and Ukraine participated in the program.

  • 75% of the children feel they can speak Hebrew better. The teachers said 72% of the children improved their Hebrew speaking skills.
  • 92% of the children feel they can write better in Hebrew. The teachers said 59% of the children improved their Hebrew writing skills at a high level and 29% at a medium level.
  • 83% of the children feel they can read better in Hebrew. The teachers said 59% of the children improved their Hebrew reading skills at a high level and 41% at a medium level.


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