Discover the beautiful Jerusalem Hills, where ancient history, natural wonders, and wines come together for an unforgettable adventure.
Step back in time at Tel Azeka, the legendary site overlooking the Valley of Elah, where David famously defeated Goliath. As you stand atop this ancient hilltop fortress, you can enjoy the views and learn about the history of the region.
Next, we’ll visit one of Israel’s most stunning natural wonders, the Avshalom Stalactite Cave and get to view the surreal rock curtains, and towering stalagmites that have formed over thousands of years.
Our journey will conclude with a relaxing visit to Tzuba Winery, nestled in the rolling landscapes of the Jerusalem Hills.
N.B. This trip requires the ability to walk down and up steps to visit the Stalactite cave.
Pick ups are from:
Netanya Tennis Courts 7:30 and Ra’anana Mercaz Klita 8:00