ESRA Haifa Branch, guided by a dedicated, enthusiastic planning committee, offers English speakers in the Haifa/Krayot area a tempting array of activities and events. Reaching out to more than 400 people already on our mailing list, ESRA Haifa is brimming with opportunities to help English speakers feel at home and build their community. The weekly Meet and Greet morning get-together attracts members and newcomers for coffee and a chat. Other regularly scheduled possibilities include Mahjong, Scrabble, befriending connections, and a vegetarian cooking club. A quick inventory of events from the past couple years features amazing urban hikes, thought-provoking lectures, fabric arts workshops, film showings, cultural outings, and an enjoyable Flamenco Gala. 

ESRA Haifa is especially proud to announce the opening of a bookshop, offering an attractive assortment of second-hand books in English, planned for summer 2024.

ESRA Haifa members—and other English speakers—volunteer in Chat Away, Zoom chats that help students improve their oral English proficiency. They are also involved in ESRA’s English Tutoring Program, enhancing students’ confidence and ability, now active in several Haifa schools.

Additional involvement and ideas are welcome, so contact a committee member.

We look forward to meeting more Haifa/Krayot English speakers and increasing our membership. Join us!


Eileen Martell, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +972542105673 by WhatsApp

David Toubkin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +972552274513 by WhatsApp

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