Our branch was formed in 2012 with the aim of providing social contact for the many English speaking people living in the Tiberias/Jordan Valley area. Our members come from a wide variety of backgrounds.  Some new olim and many who have been in Israel all their adult lives,  We have people from orthodox Jewish communities, secular, non jewish and everything in between. Participants join us from towns and the many kibbutzim and yishuvim in the valley and further afield.  One common factor is that many of  our members feel that our branch is like a family.

We arrange monthly events such as quizzes, speaker meetings and outings.  Our lunch group meets every Wednesday in the shopping mall in Tiberias or during school holidays at the dining room or coffee shop at Degania Bet.  We also have a knitting group providing greatly appreciated blankets and clothing for maternity units in our area,

For anyone wishing to take up volunteering activities ESRA provided training for befrienders and the English Tutoring and Chat Away programme which helps young israelis improve their English language skills.  This is really important for access into higher education.

Through our fundraising activities we are pleased to be able to support ESRA projects nationally.  Locally we provide animal therapy sessions for a kindergarten caring for children with autism.

We are always pleased to welcome new friends so  if you are wondering about getting involved stop thinking about it and come and join us. 

Call or WhatsApp Peta 054 255 7286 or Carol 054 255 7229 and we will be happy to arrange to meet you.

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