ESRA Ra'anana Branch boasts a membership of over 600 English-speaking residents, originating from a variety of backgrounds and countries, such as the U.S., Canada, South Africa and the UK.

The Ra’anana Branch organizes tiyulim to a number of places of interest. In the past we have visited the IICC Museum, the Guide Dogs for the Blind Training Centre, the Ayalon Institute and the Weitzman Institute in Rehovot, just to name a few. We are planning an overnight tiyul in June in the Negev. In addition to tiyulim, we have a tasty, successful and well-attended monthly breakfast program, usually on Tuesdays, in a Ra'anana Café, together with interesting guest speakers. We have Zoom speakers and recently have had live speakers on various topics. Recent topics have been the Jews of Iran and the treasures of the Temple that are being held in the Vatican. Our Planning Committee Meetings are lively gathering sheld in the home of one of the Planning Committee members.

Ra’anana Branch offers many types of volunteering opportunities, such as an English Tutoring Program, in which volunteers help local schoolchildren with their English studies, a Befriender program where training is offered to those who wish to become befrienders to people who feel lost and alone. A portion of the funds that we bring in from our various activities goes to a Kfar Shmaryahu Club for mentally and physically challenged youth and adults as well as to assist underprivileged children in Netanya.

We are a warm and friendly group who look forward to welcoming new members to join us.

ESRA Ra’anana recently moved its English language secondhand bookshop to a very central location at 124 Ahuza in Ra’anana, being the Maccabi plaza. The shop has been completely updated and is a very pleasant and reasonably priced shopping experience. Come visit us there.   

Joint Chairs:-
Arne Rabuchin |  
Michael Wolff   |  053-8925258                        


ESRA Ra'anana Branch Upcoming Events

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