ESRA Ramat Hasharon Branch of ESRA is both old and new. We were amongst the first of ESRA’s branches to be established and in our heyday we were very active.
Over the years, as the English-speaking population either integrated fully into Israeli society or moved to other areas, the branch became less active until it was ‘resurrected’ in 2018 by Hertzel Katz a former Ramat Hasharon resident. In many ways, we are a ‘virtual’ branch since there are few English-speaking new residents in the city.
Our branch, run by a very small and aging committee, organizes regular fundraising events to support the joint project we run with ENOSH, a nationwide organization that provides facilities for mentally challenged young adults.
Our joint venture has enabled ESRA members and others in the community to learn more about the ENOSH Center and the valuable work for it does. More importantly, thanks to this joint venture, participants in the Social Center receive weekly courses led by trained professionals to build their self-confidence and a belief in their ability to integrate into normative life in the community.
For three years they were taught the digital skills required in the modern world of technology.
Currently a program of drama therapy is being offered for a second year. This program gives participants an opportunity to talk about their challenges and discuss how to deal with them.
At the center in Ramat Hasharon, they make a variety of well-crafted ceramic items which are sold to the public. Proceeds of all items sold, go to the person who made the piece.
Fundraising events, attended by a wide variety of audiences, have since COVID been on ZOOM, and we are fortunate to have had leading personalities like Israel prize laureate, Ruth Berman share their expertise online.
A very popular fund raising event has been a bridge morning at the Ramat Hasharon Bridge Club supported by ESRA bridge players from the central area. Two such events were held before the Corona Pandemic and the third, in May 2023. On each occasion, the venue was donated by the owners of the club, Yakov and Vered Mintz, whose magnanimous gesture encouraged other local business to donate light refreshments and prizes.
If you are a resident of Ramat Hasharon and speak English fluently, we warmly welcome you to join the ranks of other volunteers who enthusiastically and successfully assist pupils with their English studies in local schools. They do this as part of ESRA’s very successful English Tutoring Program (ETP), recognized and endorsed by the Ministry of Education. To join just click here
Another very rewarding activity is the Ramat Hasharon Knitting Circle established in 2020 by Arlette Kaplan. The knitters who meet each week are not only ESRA volunteers but also old-timers of the Ramat Hasharon community. This gives an added dimension to the aim of ‘giving back to the community’. All participants look forward with great anticipation to their meetings where, under the expert guidance of Arlette, they knit beautiful animals and puppets for the children in a shelter for mothers of domestic violence. Knitted items are also donated to children and cancer patients in hospitals. If you’d like to meet in a congenial setting with like-minded knitters and use your skills – or learn a new one – to benefit worthy causes, please contact Arlette: 052 525 2126
For more details about how to become involved in the activities of our branch please contact me. Chairperson: Lola Katz -"> | 052-2653847