
ESRA Beer Sheva is one of the newest branches to form and has accomplished quite a lot in a short time.  We are a welcoming group to the many olim settling in the capital of the Negev.  The English-speaking immigrants are welcome to meet other newcomers and to join us in developing a viable volunteer base for the area.  We have gone from 0 to over 60 paid members in less than three years and hope for many more new members. 

We offer a wonderfully informative lecture, each month, and have had many very professional and dynamic lecturers in a variety of subjects.  For the past year we have been offering these lectures, as have the other branches, via ZOOM.

To date, we have volunteers participating in ESRA’s English Teaching Program (ETP) and of course we need more.  The object is to help local school children with their English conversation ranging from Primary to High School level. ESRA offers training to those volunteers and no teaching experience is necessary. We enable those children who have studied English, an opportunity to speak it.  We have found this program rewarding – to both the student and the volunteer.

Funds raised through our various activities and lectures, go to support ESRA’s projects in the area. 

Beer Sheva has had a very active program for underprivileged youngsters in a SkateBoard Club in conjunction with the City of Beer Sheva.  We provide and coordinate the equipment needed and the personnel to help them.  Unfortunately, this year has had no activity due to the City not wanting to endanger the health of the youngsters.

We have started and have a very active Knitting Club and have already donated much-needed knitted and crocheted products to the Soroka Hospital for Pediatrics and Newborn Care Departments.  When possible, we meet in person and when we can’t we ZOOM once a week.  We have gained and met many new members and friends.  We have also started a very successful and fun-filled Mah-Jongg Club. 

We have had an entertaining ‘Vintage Movie’ night once a month when possible (according to the Ministry of Health Guidelines). 

We have had a personal appeal to our members and received individual support for furnishing an apartment for a ‘girls at risk’ facility at Kibbutz Sa’ad.  We also have volunteers helping some of the girls out with their high school exams so that they can go on to further education.

Want to enrich your life, meet new friends, and have the most rewarding experiences, - join ESRA Beer Sheva!

 Chair: Ingrid Barzel
054 4-961995 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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