ESRA Five Towns branch is a dynamic, socially oriented group for English speakers in the areas known locally as Five Towns.  This covers the region between Hadera and Hof  Hacarmel including Zichron Ya’akov, Binyamina, Or Akiva, Caesarea and Pardes Hanna/Karkur – the number of towns seemed to grow! New members are always welcome and new olim enjoy free ESRA membership for a year. 

One of the main attractions is our Second Story Bookshop, staffed by an enthusiastic team of volunteers.  Situated on the second floor of the Shmura shopping centre in Zichron Ya’akov, it offers bargain-priced, quality second-hand English books in a welcoming environment, and literary events with excellent speakers including local authors.  Young children and their siblings, parents and grandparents are entertained at regular Story Time sessions while enjoying arts and crafts - often tying in with festivals.

Other activities include festival celebrations and parties, brunches at local cafes, a knitting club and speakers on a wide range of fascinating topics, some in-person and some on Zoom.  

The well-established ESRA English Tutoring Project (ETP) offers volunteers the opportunity to assist with English conversation with teachers and pupils in schools and via Zoom. 

Funds raised benefit several local projects.  These include the Riding and Animal Therapy Centre for children with special needs at Kibbutz Magal, and  vocational training scholarships through which local applicants can transform their lives.

Starting in Caesarea in 2003, the branch was the first to open in the north, and soon included membership from the surrounding area, at which point the name was changed to Five Towns.  The first event was a jazz concert and dinner in a private garden for 200 guests.  This was followed by a choir concert on the terrace of the Dan Caesarea.  The bookshop opened in 2008 in Or Akiva, on the premises of the Meir Panim charity and food bank.

Zichron Ya’akov alone has an estimated 15 - 20% of native English speakers, and the Five Towns area as a whole is an attractive region for new English speaking olim.  New members and volunteers are most welcome. 

For further information, please contact:

Hon. Secretary,  Jane Krivine This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  Chairman, Lucille Cohen  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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