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The ESRA Camera Club – North was developed as an adjunct to the ESRA Camera Club to serve the northern regions. It attracts members from Haifa, Karmiel and Nahariya and surrounding locations.

We share the aim of the ESRA Camera Club which is to strive to create a community of English speaking photographers in the region. Our emphasis is on developing skills by conducting photo shoots and subsequent review sessions. We generally have a photo shoot every six weeks from October to June. After each photo shoot members edit their photos and submit some for a review session that generally follows about 7 -10 days later. Recent photo shoots have included street photography in Haifa, wildlife photography at Kibbutz Evron, the Baha'i Gardens in Akko, and the Akko shuk area.

Over the past two summers we have conducted a scavenger hunt. This is an individual activity allowing creative expression in a number of preassigned genres. The submissions are subsequently judged by the entrants using on online voting system.

Photographers at any level are welcome to join, whether beginners or experienced. All that is needed is the desire to develop skills and techniques. Our current members have equipment that ranges from mobile phones to sophisticated digital cameras.

If you have an interest in photography, come join us on our outings. There is something for everyone!

Brian Dodds

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